Illegal Immigration Drops Under Trump Administration: White House

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported Wednesday a sharp decline in the number of individuals apprehended or deemed inadmissible along the Southwest border.
In March 2017, according to CBP, 16,600 individuals were apprehended or deemed inadmissible. This is a 35% decrease from February 2017, and a 61% decrease from January 2017, when President Trump took office. The decline represents a 64% decrease from the same month last year.
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According to a White House communique released Wednesday, the dramatic drop in illegal southern border apprehensions demonstrates that the President’s commitment to securing the U.S. border and supporting law enforcement is already showing results.
Led by Secretary Kelly, the Trump Administration is expanding the border patrol, cracking down on sanctuary cities, and directing resources toward the construction of a southern border wall.
By achieving real results on illegal immigration, once again, President Trump is keeping his promises to the American people, the White House statement suggested.