Is the Republican Party Fighting a Losing Battle?

With all the odds stacked against Donald Trump, it is expected to be a walk in the park for Hillary Clinton to win the presidential race.
By Rakesh Raman
After begrudgingly accepting Donald Trump as the party’s official nominee, the Republican Party seems to be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.
Multiple polls suggest that it is just a matter of two more months before Trump will go back to the Trump Tower to take care of his mundane business and Hillary Clinton will move into the White House as the 45th President of America.
Now the Republican Party can neither dump Trump nor can it hope to win the upcoming presidential election with Trump at the helm.
Since the party doesn’t have anything substantial to support Trump on the policy issues, as a last-ditch effort GOP is attacking Clinton with random allegations that have already lost their relevance for the election.
The allegations include:
- foreign donations to Clinton’s family foundation,
- her use of a secret email server, and
- Clinton’s role in the Benghazi terrorist attack.
Only the god knows how it will help them, but the Republicans are also counting the number of days since Hillary Clinton held a press conference.
As the things stand today, it seems that the Republican Party is fighting a losing battle with loudmouthed Trump who has gone totally berserk with his hate statements against Latinos, Gold Star families, and journalists. He has not spared even top Republicans who tried to tame him.
As a result, today more than 100 Republican leaders have openly said they won’t support Trump in the election. They include Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, Susan Collins, Lindsay Graham, and others.
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With his statement “I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father. Don’t stay home in November. Stand and speak and vote your conscience,” Ted Cruz has subtly asked voters to vote for Hillary Clinton. Trump had uttered some nasty words for Cruz’s family members.
Although the Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus is trying to support Trump in his TV interviews, one can easily see the of shades of worry on his face.
Meanwhile, a dedicated website under the banner “Republicans Against Trump” screams that Donald Trump is not qualified to be the president. It is asking voters to take the pledge to get their free “Republicans Against Trump” stickers.
Political observers believe that Trump’s chances of winning will be further jeopardized on Wednesday as he is expected to face Hillary Clinton in a question-answer event focused on national security, military affairs, and veterans.
The “TODAY” co-anchor Matt Lauer will moderate the first-ever Commander-in-Chief Forum presented by NBC News and MSNBC with the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.
With all the odds stacked against Trump, it is expected to be a walk in the park for Clinton to win the presidential race.
The U.S. presidential election is scheduled to take place Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company
Photo courtesy: Hillary Clinton website