Corruption in India Survey: 89% Say India Is a Corrupt Country

Corruption in India Survey: 89% Say India Is a Corrupt Country
Bribery is the traditional form of corruption, but now the acts of corruption are happening on a broader landscape.
In an ongoing Perception Survey for 2024 Corruption Research Project in India, 89% of the respondents say that India is a corrupt country. There are 10 questions in the online survey that asks people to respond on various aspects of corruption in the country.
[ You can click here to participate in the survey and view the results so far. ]
As the corruption methods have always been evolving in India, the contemporary system of corruption has assumed the form of an organized trade in which corruption has become a non-issue in the country.
Bribery is the traditional form of corruption, but now the acts of corruption are happening on a broader landscape. For example, massive political corruption in connivance with private corporations is taking place under the garb of secret electoral bonds.
Likewise, megalomaniac politicians such as the prime minister and the chief ministers in different Indian States splurge huge public funds to promote themselves through advertisements and publicity campaigns carried out in collusion with corrupt media outlets.
While governance is a collaborative exercise, these corrupt politicians get their own photographs published on all publicity material to hoodwink the voters and get undue political advantage in elections.
The political parties also sell election tickets in crores of rupees secretly to candidates who want to contest elections under their banners. The ill-gotten money is spent by politicians to bribe the voters, purchase crowds who attend politicians’ election rallies, and hire hoodlums who commit riots and spread violence before and during elections to help political parties win elections unscruplously.
Similarly, the bureaucratic corruption style is also evolving. Now, bureaucrats circumvent the law and misuse their discretionary powers to give undue benefits to those who bribe them.
[ Also Read: Research Report Reveals Rampant Judicial Corruption in India ]
Dereliction of duty, inefficiency, lack of skills to handle official work, ignorance, apathy toward citizens, reckless decisions to plunder public funds are also among the new forms of corruption by bureaucrats at all levels of government.
Since government politicians are mostly illiterate or inexperienced, they are heavily dependent on bureaucrats for all clerical work. While the unskilled bureaucrats are not able to complete their tasks effectively, on average almost 10 bureaucrats are paid for work that can be done by a single person.
Thus, salaries being given to bureaucrats with public money is a form of corruption to loot the government exchequer. It is estimated that a whopping 10% of India’s GDP is wasted on salaries of government employees while they do not deserve even a fraction of this money.
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
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