AI for Good Tech Summit to Help Achieve Global Goals

Ten years remain to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Leaders in artificial intelligence (AI) and humanitarian action will convene at the 2020 AI for Good Global Summit to ensure that ‘AI for Good’ solutions achieve a scale matching that of the ambitions captured by the SDGs.
The AI for Good Global Summit is the leading United Nations platform for inclusive dialogue on AI. The summit identifies practical applications of AI to accelerate progress towards the SDGs and builds collaboration to assist these applications in achieving global impact.
Now in its fourth edition, the 2020 AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva, 4-8 May 2020, will continue to connect AI innovators with public and private-sector decision-makers in the interests of stimulating the discovery and delivery of ‘AI for Good’ solutions for all.
The 2020 summit is co-organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs) – and the XPRIZE Foundation, in partnership with Switzerland, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and a wide variety of sister United Nations agencies.
“Three editions of the AI for Good Global Summit have recognized the significance of the leap from AI promise to global impact,” said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao. “We see renewed resolve within the AI for Good community to create the conditions necessary to make this leap and accelerate progress towards the achievement of the SDGs.”
The 2020 summit will generate AI breakthroughs in climate and environmental action, the elimination of hunger, gender equality, healthcare, smart and safe mobility, the preservation of cultural heritage and the protection of access to trustworthy information.
An ‘AI Innovation Factory’ will showcase new ‘AI for Good’ ideas, crowd-sourced AI challenges and promising AI startups. A ‘partner day’ will offer potential AI adopters an audience with leading AI experts and educators.
A dynamic show floor will feature innovations at the cutting edge of AI research and development, such as RoboCup football matches, the AWS Deep Racer autonomous driving challenge, an AI gymnastics judge for the Tokyo Olympics, avatar prototypes, robot chefs, and AI-powered solutions to assist persons with disabilities.
Summit attendees can also look forward to AI-inspired performances from groundbreaking artists and musicians.