Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose Launches Logo of Lokpal

The Chairman of Lokpal, Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose, launched the logo of Lokpal, at an event held in Delhi on Tuesday, November 26. Lokpal is an anti-corruption authority or body of ombudsman in India. It inquires into allegations of corruption against government officials and handles other corruption-related issues.
The Members of Lokpal: Justice Dilip Babasaheb Bhosale (Judicial Member), Justice Pradeep Kumar Mohanty (Judicial Member), Justice Ajay Kumar Tripathi (Judicial Member), Dinesh Kumar Jain (Non-Judicial Member), Archana Ramasundaram (Non-Judicial Member), Mahender Singh (Non-Judicial Member), Inderjeet Prasad Gautam (Non-Judicial Member), Secretary Lokpal B. K. Agarwal, CEO, Mygov Portal Abhishek Singh, and Joint Secretary Lokpal Dilip Kumar were present on the occasion. The motto of Lokpal “मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम् was also adopted.
An open competition was conducted on Mygov portal as well as through the Lokpal registry mail to invite entries for logo and motto / slogan. A total of 2,236 entries were received for logo and 4,705 entries were received for motto / slogan through Mygov portal from people of different age groups and from different parts of the country.
In a 3-stage selection process, the logo design of Prashant Mishra, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh has been selected for adoption as logo of Lokpal.
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The logo of Lokpal is based upon the literal meaning of Lokpal, LOK – meaning people and PAL – meaning caretaker, or “caretaker of people”. The logo symbolizes how Lokpal protects and cares for the people of India by establishing justice as per law.
The logo symbolizes various essence of Lokpal figuratively in shapes such as ombudsman (judges bench), people (three human figures), vigilance (Ashok chakra forming eye–pupil), law (shape of book in orange), and judicial (the tricolor two hands are placed below forming a unique balance). The logo is in tricolor representing the national essence of Lokpal.
However, none of the motto received through portal was found suitable. The Lokpal has decided its motto / slogan in its full bench meeting based on their own inputs and discussion on 17th October 2019. Its meaning of the slogan / motto in Hindi is “किसी के धन का लोभ मत करो.” The meaning in English is “Do not be greedy for anyone’s wealth.”