New York City to Host the World Ocean Festival

Warming oceans, depleting sea life, and plastic pollution are on the agenda for the upcoming ocean summit to be held from June 5 to 9 at the United Nations.
The event will call for urgent action to improve the health of the oceans, while also creating jobs and raising people out of poverty.
The Ocean Conference, the first ever such summit convened by the UN, will focus on the targets outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by Governments in 2015.
In particular among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Goal 14 highlights the need to conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas, and marine resources to benefit present and future generations.
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Thousands of people are expected to attend – including heads of State and Government, civil society representatives, business people, as well as actors, and ocean and marine life advocates.
On the eve of the Conference, New York City, which has about 520 miles of coastline, will host the inaugural World Ocean Festival.
New York’s festival will feature a first-of-its kind grand “ocean march,” which will be a parade of sailing vessels around lower Manhattan and along 10 nautical miles of Manhattan and Brooklyn waterfront from the Hudson to the East River.
The second main event will be the Ocean Village, which will be set up at Gentry State Park in Long Island City as a “hub for all things ocean,” and will celebrate art, innovation, and exhibits on ocean and climate action.