RMN Poll: PM of India After 2024 Election?

PM of India Poll Results Up to May 29, 2024. By RMN News Service
PM of India Poll Results Up to May 29, 2024. By RMN News Service

RMN Poll: PM of India After 2024 Election?

Raman Media Network (RMN) Company – which is working in diversified content creation, management, and distribution businesses on a global scale – has started an online public poll: Who Should be the Prime Minister of India After the 2024 Lok Sabha Election?

Instead of including the names of only traditional politicians in the poll, RMN has taken a breakthrough editorial decision to select a few candidates who deserve to be the prime minister (PM) of India because of their social activism and intellectual ability. The respondents can, however, vote according to their preference. You can also suggest more names of candidates to be included in the poll.

The poll results up to May 29, 2024: Amartya Sen (24%), Arundhati Roy (26%), Mahua Moitra (15%), Narendra Modi (9%), Rahul Gandhi (12%), Satyapal Malik (5%), Arvind Kejriwal (4%), and None of the Above (5%).

Note: As there are repeated reports about the fraudulent use of electronic voting machines (EVMs) in Indian elections, this poll does not take into account the EVM factor.

Now, you can choose your option in the following poll. Select your option and press the box under the options to vote. You can also view the results of the poll.

Who Should be the Prime Minister of India After the 2024 Lok Sabha Election?

This RMN Poll is part of our editorial section “Power Play: Lok Sabha Election 2024 in India” which covers election news, events, and political campaigns. 

You can click here to participate in the RMN Poll.


Rakesh Raman
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Rakesh Raman