Temple for Hindus. Jail for Muslims. Modi Announces Trust to Make Ram Temple in Ayodhya

Modi government is making detention centers on the lines of the Auschwitz concentration camp which was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust.
By Rakesh Raman
While India is burning with Hindu-Muslim religious hatred being spread by the Hindu supremacists regime led by PM Narendra Modi, a new outfit called “Shri Ram Janma Bhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust” has been formed to oversee the construction of a Hindu temple in Ayodhya.
Modi announced Wednesday (February 5) in Parliament the formation of the Trust. “On the basis of the Supreme Court direction, my government has given approval to the proposal for the creation of ‘Shri Ram Janma Bhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust‘. The Trust will be free to take all decisions regarding creation of a magnificent Ram Temple in Ayodhya,” Modi said.
He added that on the directions of the Supreme Court, his government requested the UP Government to allocate 5 acres of land to the Sunni Waqf board, and the state government acceded to the request.
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As the construction of a Hindu temple in Ayodhya is part of a nefarious aim of the Modi government to make India a Hindu Rashtra (a nation only for Hindus), the Supreme Court decision came to please the Hindu ruler Modi.
In all autocratic regimes that work under the garb of democratic systems, the rulers silently use courts to impose their own decisions on citizens and suppress all kinds of dissent.
Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had said in its manifesto for the 2019 Lok Sabha election that it will explore all possibilities to facilitate the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya.
While a conflict has been persisting between Hindus and Muslims of India about the construction of Ram temple, BJP had made the promise to entice Hindu voters who are in majority in India.
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In November 2019, the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) had filed a review petition against the Supreme Court’s judgment in the Ayodhya case. The Board refused to accept 5 acres of alternative land given for a mosque, as decreed in the court judgment.
The AIMPLB Secretary Zafaryab Jilani said that the land of the mosque belongs to Allah and under the Sharia it cannot be given to anybody. However, the Supreme Court – which works under the control of the Modi government – did not accept AIMPLB’s argument, and gave its verdict in favor of Hindus.
As Modi and BJP have promised to make India a Hindu Rashtra, in the current Modi rule, all attempts are being made to persecute Muslims in India.
In August 2019, the Modi government abrogated the Article 370 of the Constitution to deprive Muslims of their rights in Kashmir. In order to identify and isolate Muslims, recently the Modi government has also introduced a slew of discriminatory citizenship laws which are aimed to take away Muslims’ right to live in India.
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Hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting in India for the past couple of months against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), National Population Register (NPR), and National Register of Citizens (NRC) announced by Modi and his Home Minister Amit Shah.
Modi government is also making detention centers on the lines of the Auschwitz concentration camp (Konzentrationslager Auschwitz) which was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust.
General Bipin Rawat, who was recently appointed by the Modi government as India’s Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) has claimed that deradicalization camps are operating in India. These camps are, in fact, torture prisons formed to force Muslims to accept Hindu religion. These camps will operate like the deradicalization prisons set up by China to detain Uighur Muslims.
In December 2019, the U.S. Congress passed a legislation to condemn the human rights abuses by China. The new Act called the Uighur Intervention and Global Humanitarian Unified Response (UIGHUR) Act of 2019, which passed on a 406 – 1 vote, particularly pertains to China’s excess on millions of Uighur (alternately: Uyghurs or Uygurs) Muslims.
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But in order to attract the Hindu voters, Modi is hell-bent to violate human rights of nearly 250 million Muslims who live in India. Today, rampant corruption, extreme lawlessness, and unprecedented unemployment are disturbing the 1.4 billion people of India. But instead of addressing these crucial issues, Modi’s BJP is focusing on a temple of a fictional character Lord Ram (believed to be a Hindu God) in Ayodhya.
धर्म क्या है? What is religion?
भाईयो और बहनों। क्या कभी कुत्ता कुत्ते को काटता है? नहीं। क्या कभी साँप साँप को डसता है? नहीं। क्या कभी शेर दूसरे शेर पर हमला करके उसे मारता है? नहीं। लेकिन आज पूरी दुनिया में आदमी आदमी को मार रहा है। और इस मार–काट का सबसे बड़ा कारण है धर्म और धर्म में लोगों का अन्धविश्वास। क्यों करते हैं आप धर्म पर विश्वास जो आपको दूसरे आदमी का दुश्मन बना रहा है? सिर्फ मानवता ही एक धर्म है जो हरेक इंसान को दूसरे इंसान से जोड़ता है। आइए सिर्फ मानवता को ही अपना धर्म बनाएं।
Humanity is the biggest and the purest religion. Any organized religion that believes in any identifiable God keeps people away from people by promoting religion-based groups. And organized religion has always been the cause of the most heinous crimes and killings in the world. Can we adopt only humanity as our religion?
“We all know the historical and spiritual significance that is attached to Lord Ram and Ayodhya, in the Indian ethos, spirit, ideals and culture,” Modi said. “Keeping in mind the construction of the Ram Temple and the spirit of the devotees, the government has decided that whole of the approximately 67.703 acre acquired land will be transferred to the ‘Shri Ram Janma Bhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust‘.”
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. He also creates and publishes a number of digital publications and research reports on different subjects.