Artwork Made with 500,000 Pearls Presented to PM Modi

Narendra Modi being presented the artwork made with pearls by artist Khushboo Akash Davda, in New Delhi on June 15, 2017
Narendra Modi being presented the artwork made with pearls by artist Khushboo Akash Davda, in New Delhi on June 15, 2017

The Prime Minister (PM) of India, Narendra Modi, was today presented with a unique artwork made of pearls. The artwork depicts a map of India, and an image of the Prime Minister.

According to the creator of the image, Ms. Khushboo Akash Davda, over 500,000 pearls have been used in the artwork. Thread of length 10 kilometres has been used in the same. The artwork which has dimensions of 7 feet by 7 feet, took 850 hours to prepare.

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Member of Parliament from Rajkot, Mohanbhai Kundariya, was present on the occasion.

Photo courtesy: Press Information Bureau

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Rakesh Raman