Has the GOP Finally Embraced Donald Trump?

By Rakesh Raman
The presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has been antagonizing not only the different sections of voters but also the GOP leaders with his hate remarks.
So, many Americans still believe that the businessman-turned-politician is not the right choice to lead America and the Republican party should dump Trump.
However, the Republican National Committee (RNC) seems to have embraced Trump despite his erratic behavior.
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The RNC and Donald J. Trump for President have announced 2016 State Victory Finance Chairs in thirty-three states and Washington, D.C.
As part of the ongoing effort to raise the support needed to win the White House, the RNC and the Trump campaign are continuing to deepen their mutual commitment to expanding a nationwide network of dedicated supporters, said a statement released by the RNC.
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“Having so many long-time supporters eager to come on board signals our nationwide fundraising effort is continuing to gain steam months ahead of Election Day,” said RNC and Trump Victory Finance Chair Lew Eisenberg.
Meanwhile, a movement that opposes Trump is silently building up under the “Dump Trump” campaign. The organizers of #StopHateDumpTrump online campaign believe that Trump is a grave threat to democracy, freedom, human rights, equality, and the welfare of America and its people.
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Although Trump has managed to attract many Americans with his sensational speeches, most believe he is not fit to become the President because of his uncivil language and unstable thoughts. His speeches and tweets are full of vulgar words such as “sleaze,” “stupid,” “goofy,” “crooked,” “liar,” “low life,” “bimbo,” and so on.

Trump’s promises to American voters are mere rhetoric, as he has not yet given any specific solution to the problems in America – such as joblessness, poverty, hunger, mounting debt, threat from terrorists, and so on.
The U.S. presidential election is scheduled to take place Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company