Trump Plays Politics Over Dead Bodies, Lies About Covid Deaths

If Trump loses the presidential election, there is a great probability that he will be jailed for crimes against humanity and many other crimes.
By Rakesh Raman
Donald Trump – who is perhaps the biggest pathological liar on planet earth – claims that the effect coronavirus (Covid-19) is waning in the U.S. while actually he is surrounded by death and disease at a scale that the country has never seen before.
With nearly 1.4 million confirmed cases and 82,000 deaths as of May 12, the U.S. tops the list of countries where the virus is showing its lethality.
But in order to hoodwink his blind supporters, Trump said Monday (May 11) that the coronavirus numbers are looking better and he has made a good progress.
“Coronavirus numbers are looking much better, going down almost everywhere. Big progress being made!,” Trump tweeted in his shaky language.
Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere. Big progress being made!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2020
Stupid Trump can’t realize that death numbers can never be “better” as he has uttered, and death can never be celebrated as he is doing almost everyday. As Trump is a deranged man, he can even say “beautiful deaths” as he uses the adjective frequently for everything such as “beautiful tests,” “beautiful time to reopen the economy,” and – of course – “beautiful call” with Ukraine that led to his impeachment.
Although Trump refuses to take responsibility for the increasing number of Covid deaths in the U.S., actually all these deaths are taking place because of his negligence. When journalists ask him relevant questions, he starts abusing them in his filthy language.
Since unhinged Trump kept saying that coronavirus will disappear miraculously, he did not act to combat the virus by arranging tests or improving the healthcare infrastructure in the country. As a result, the U.S. has already lost thousands of lives and many more will die because the number of coronavirus cases has crossed 1 million.
Obviously, Trump is responsible for thousands of deaths, and according to reports, over 100,000 coronavirus deaths are expected in the U.S. by the end of May.
But Trump is trying to understate the calamity by making false statements. It is also expected that soon Trump will conceal the coronavirus death cases by falsely reporting the cause of deaths so that he could deceive the voters for the November presidential election.
At present, almost all the pre-poll surveys indicate that Trump will lose the election to his Democratic rival Joe Biden. Now, by giving fake coronavirus data with reduced number of deaths, Trump is trying to create a false impression that he has successfully controlled the contagion which has already caused extreme social and economic misery in the country.
If Trump loses the presidential election which is scheduled for November 3, 2020, there is a great probability that he will be jailed for crimes against humanity and many other crimes.
Under United States Code 18 Section 3282, the statute of limitations for most federal crimes is five years. So, he can easily be prosecuted and imprisoned if he loses in November.
His name appears in criminal investigation documents as “Individual 1” or the unindicted co-conspirator in cases of crime and corruption because he cannot be prosecuted during his term as the president. Although Trump has become a virtual history-sheeter in judicial records, he falsely claims that he has transformed America.
In his friend-cum-lawyer Michael Cohen’s case, Trump is called “Individual 1” in the charges filed by special counsel Robert Mueller who was leading a judicial team to know the extent of Trump-Russia ties that allegedly helped Trump win the 2016 presidential race.
While the U.S. agencies still believe that Trump won the election with secret help from Russia, Trump refused to cooperate in the Mueller investigation and did not appear in the hearing when he was called as an accused.
Meanwhile, coronavirus has already entered the White House as a few staff members have tested positive for the infection. They include Trump’s personal valet who has tested positive for coronavirus.
Still Trump – who is behaving as a dictator – has decided to reopen the businesses while hundreds of thousands of people are already dying because of his inaction or reckless decisions during the past few months.
Many believe that if Trump survived, he will bring more disaster to America as well as the rest of the world.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. He also creates and publishes a number of digital publications and research reports on different subjects. These publications include the “Covid Health Bulletin” that covers global coronavirus news and views.