Disgraced “Individual 1” Says “I Am Your Favorite President”

Although Trump himself is the enemy of free press, he keeps saying that media – which in fact exposes his nefarious acts – is the opposition party.
By Rakesh Raman
Strangely, Donald Trump – whose identity appears in criminal investigation documents as “Individual 1” or the unindicted co-conspirator in cases of crime and corruption – claims that he is the most popular president in American history.
Although Trump has become a virtual history-sheeter in the judicial records, he quotes one of his cronies to assert that no president has accomplished more than him in his first two years in office.
While making such an absurd claim, Trump forgets that no president has been labeled as “Individual 1” in criminal cases. In his friend-cum-lawyer Michael Cohen’s case, Trump is called “Individual 1” in the charges filed by special counsel Robert Mueller who is leading a judicial team to know the extent of Trump-Russia ties that allegedly helped Trump win the 2016 presidential race.
While Trump’s own vulgarity and disgraceful acts – including the government shutdown – are responsible for his disrepute, he keeps blaming media for his dwindling clout among Americans as well as the leaders around the world.
“Newt Gingrich (a former House Speaker) just stated that there has been no president since Abraham Lincoln who has been treated worse or more unfairly by the media than your favorite President, me!” Trump lamented while complaining about media once again.
.@newtgingrich just stated that there has been no president since Abraham Lincoln who has been treated worse or more unfairly by the media than your favorite President, me! At the same time there has been no president who has accomplished more in his first two years in office!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 19, 2019
He added that many people are saying the mainstream media will have a very hard time restoring credibility because of the way they have treated him over the past 3 years. “Fake news is truly the enemy of the people!” Trump repeated his usual rant without clarifying his understanding of news or fake news.
Although Trump himself is the enemy of free press, he keeps saying that media (which in fact exposes his nefarious acts) is pushing a political agenda and media is the opposition party.
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He is not only being condemned in the U.S., but his misbehavior toward press is now disturbing the rights outfits that promote democratic systems.
Of late, UN and Inter-American experts on freedom of expression condemned Trump’s repeated attacks on the free press and urged him and his administration to cease efforts to undermine the media’s role of holding government accountable, honest, and transparent.
Trump – who keeps cursing media outlets that carry critical stories exposing his wrongdoings – often vents out his anger on his bêtes noires The New York Times and The Washington Post, besides TV channels such as CNN.
Trump’s Disturbance
Trump is largely disturbed by the truthful media reports which inform about Trump-Russia ties that allegedly helped Trump win the 2016 presidential race.
While Trump must be spending sleepless nights with the thoughts of imprisonment, many of his family members, Republican colleagues, and others who would have colluded with Russia to help Trump win are also trying to escape special counsel Mueller’s dragnet.
For example, Vice President Mike Pence who is a blind supporter and top toady of Trump has reportedly hired a lawyer to save him from the Russia probe. Similarly, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is a senior White House adviser, is under FBI scrutiny in the Russia probe.
It is also believed that many Republicans also knew at the presidential campaign stage that Trump was colluding with Russia but they stayed quiet and allowed Russian interference in the election in order to stop Hillary Clinton’s victory.
Although it is said that the Russian interference did not change the outcome of the election, the U.S. agencies have not fully probed this aspect of Russian attack on American democracy.
There is a likelihood that along with spreading false information about Hillary Clinton, Russians would also have stolen the voter databases to impact the vote count in Trump’s favor in the states where Democrats were supposed to win.
And all this possible fraud cannot be committed without the knowledge of Republican top brass. So, special counsel Mueller may also interrogate Republicans including Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Mike Pence, and Mike Huckabee who are silently supporting Trump’s attempts to kill probe into Russian interference.
Mueller may also call former Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein who – along with tainted Michael Flynn – was seen hobnobbing with Russians including President Putin. After making some initial noise against Trump presidency, Stein went into a total hibernation possibly under directions from Russia.
Although Trump had managed to attract voters with his sensational rhetoric, most believe he is not fit to become the President because of his uncivil language and unstable thoughts.
While Trump received majority of the 538 state-by-state electoral votes to win the presidency, his rival Hillary Clinton won 48.2% of the popular vote compared with 46.1% for Trump. In other words, Clinton collected nearly 3 million more votes than what Trump got in the 2016 election. But the U.S. election system declared Trump as the winner.
Target Trump
Now Mueller investigation has entered the White House and he is soon expected to interrogate Trump in face-to-face interactions. Many of Trump’s associates are already in Mueller’s dragnet. In all probability, Trump will soon be indicted or impeached.
The chattering classes believe that since Trump does not want his notional, imaginary base to trust the news stories about Mueller’s investigation, he is raising doubts about the sanctity of newspapers and TV networks that are bringing truth in front of the people at large.
If Mueller’s investigation found that Trump is a culprit, Trump will ask his base not to trust the findings of the investigation which will then be reported aggressively by the journalists. It is largely expected that Trump will misuse his authority to direct the Justice Department to conceal the Mueller’s findings.
Trump says that public opinion has turned strongly against the “Rigged Witch Hunt” and the special counsel Mueller because the public understands that there was no collusion with Russia.
The fact is that there is no such “public opinion” that Trump keeps saying. Actually, the American public will never like to have a crook – who allegedly won with Russia’s support – as their president.
As Trump is disturbed because of Russia probe, it is believed that he is also suffering from an acute mental illness. If that is true, he can order the arrest and imprisonment of journalists under sedition charges.
Of late, over two dozen psychiatrists and psychologists found that Trump is dangerously mentally ill and that he presents a clear danger to the nation.
In a book titled “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts have assessed the mental state of Trump.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. He also creates and publishes a number of digital publications on different subjects.