Mock Exercise Conducted in Delhi on Earthquake Preparedness

Mock Exercise in Delhi on Earthquake Preparedness
Mock Exercise in Delhi on Earthquake Preparedness

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in collaboration with the Government of Delhi conducted a State-level mock exercise on earthquake preparedness on Friday. The exercise was aimed at improving preparedness and response mechanisms of the local administration.

The simulation exercise was conducted simultaneously at multiple select locations, including hospitals, shopping malls, metro stations and high-rise residential buildings, spread across the State.

The objective was to assess the administration’s capacity in mobilising resources and reaching out to the affected communities swiftly. Lt. Governor of Delhi Anil Baijal was also present at the State Emergency Operation Centre (SEOC).

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R. K. Jain, Member, NDMA said that conducting mock exercise enhances preparedness and synergy amongst different stakeholders.

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) N. C. Marwah, Member, NDMA, emphasised on the need for regularly conducting such exercises in Delhi as the State falls in the high-intensity seismic zone IV.

The exercise started with a siren indicating the occurrence of tremors. Once the tremors stopped, the SEOC was activated.

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Simultaneously, Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs) at the districts also got activated, assessed the damage, formed rescue teams under Incident Commanders and dispatched them to the respective locations.

Rescue drills were conducted in coordination with various agencies, such as Traffic control, Fire Fighting department, Ambulances, Police and Civil Defense.

Photo courtesy: Office of the Lt. Governor of Delhi

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Rakesh Raman