Report Corruption in Delhi Housing Societies to Clean House

Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, which is among the most corrupt departments of India. Photo: Rakesh Raman / RMN News Service
Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, which is among the most corrupt departments of India. Photo: Rakesh Raman / RMN News Service

Report Corruption in Delhi Housing Societies to Clean House

“Clean House” runs as a community court to report about crime and corruption happening in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS). If you want “Clean House” to report about the corruption and illegal activities in your housing society, you may please contact me with relevant documents and details. The cases given below reveal the extent of corruption that is hitting millions of Delhi residents.

To: All Residents of Delhi

From: Rakesh Raman

If you have voice, raise it against corruption and injustice. Do not stay quiet. If you are not trying to stop corruption, you are part of it.


The cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) of Delhi have become dangerous centres of crime and corruption. The crimes in these housing societies are being committed by the management committee (MC) members or administrators in connivance with the corrupt officials of Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi Police, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), and a few other departments.

In order to stop crimes in the housing societies, the local residents should not feel scared and formally complain against the criminal MC members, administrators, and government functionaries.

Rakesh Raman

Although the lethal impact of corruption is visible in every nook and corner of India, New Delhi has emerged as the corruption capital where the bureaucrats and politicians can’t breathe without bribe.

Arvind Kejriwal – Delhi chief minister – is heading one of the most corrupt governments as many of his colleagues are themselves facing an array of corruption allegations and other criminal cases. And Anil Baijal – who was the Lt. Governor (LG) of Delhi and incharge of bureaucracy – completely failed to tame the corrupt bureaucrats who have virtually become dacoits to loot the citizens.

Vinai Kumar Saxena – who was handpicked in May 2022 to work as LG – was expected to clean up the mess in Delhi. But he is an ineffective bureaucrat who ignores public complaints.

Almost 60% of Delhi’s residents are so poor that they cannot pay bribes to the government officials. In recent years, therefore, the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians have systematically created a citywide criminal enterprise across the affluent group housing complexes which have become dens of crime and corruption.

The cooperative group housing societies (CGHS), which are supposed to be regulated by the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office of Delhi Government, have become hideouts for criminals who masquerade as the managing committee (MC) members of housing societies.

These MC members, who enjoy full protection from the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, commit all types of crimes and loot public money worth thousands of crores of rupees from millions of residents who live in nearly 2,000 group housing societies of Delhi. As the MC members in different housing societies operate as criminal gangs, they win the domestic elections fraudulently – either by bribing the resident voters or by threatening them.

Since the RCS office – which is among the most corrupt departments of India – has been given extreme powers to regulate the CGHS affairs, the RCS officials openly accept bribes from the criminals who run the housing societies. In return, they allow the criminal MCs of housing societies to commit crimes without any fear.

This is the modus operandi of the RCS office that it ostensibly orders the inspections or sends customary notices against the MCs of housing societies and then keeps delaying the inspections or legal actions so that the accused should keep bribing the RCS officials for longer periods of time.

The entire Delhi Cooperative Societies Act (DCS Act) – under which the RCS office operates – is designed in such a way that the victims of corruption are not allowed to bypass the RCS office and approach higher courts. As a result, the corrupt MC members are protected and RCS officials keep demanding bribes from the accusers as well as the accused in different cases of crime and corruption in housing societies.

The massive bureaucratic corruption at RCS office is an archetypal example that shows why India is still a poor, underdeveloped country even after more than 7 decades of its independence.

According to the “Clean House” community court, both Kejriwal and Baijal made Delhi the corruption capital of India. Now, along with the RCS office, many other departments have joined the corruption racket that is running in the group housing societies where the MC members operate as frontend agents of bureaucrats and politicians to loot public money. They all share the booty while the residents have no forum where they could complain.


[ Online Form to Submit Complaint of Your Housing Society Case ]

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[ Join RAFAR Group to Stop FAR Construction and Pollution in Housing Societies ]

The community-driven anti-corruption service “Clean House” reveals that more departments such as Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi Fire Service (DFS), and the Delhi Police are now colluding with the RCS office to swindle public money through criminal MC members of housing societies.

Both Kejriwal and former LG Anil Baijal knew about rampant corruption in Delhi, but they never tried to stop it. As Kejriwal has won the Delhi election with the criminality of his colleagues, he would like crime and corruption to continue in the city while Baijal was so lethargic that he never took any interest in removing corruption.

There are a few other departments that are supposed to handle corruption cases of Delhi government officials. These are, for example, Delhi Lokayukta (civil commissioner) which acts as an anti-corruption ombudsman organization, office of the Financial Commissioner, Anti Corruption Branch (ACB), Directorate of Vigilance (DOV), and Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Delhi Police.

However, all these departments are running with lethargic and untrained officials who fail to resolve corruption cases. They keep writing useless, routine letters to the complainants and always try to protect the corrupt officials. In most cases, the anti-corruption agencies refuse to acknowledge and register corruption complaints against government officials.

Since the grievances of citizens are not addressed properly, they are left with no other option but to go to courts. But most of them do not get justice in courts which are buried under millions of cases that are pending. As administration has collapsed, police officers are corrupt, and courts give haphazard judgments, the lawlessness is increasing rapidly in Delhi.


The corrupt government departments that are responsible for corruption and destruction in Delhi include:

  • Office of the Lt. Governor (LG) of Delhi
  • Offices of the Chief Minister and other Ministers of Delhi
  • Municipal Corporations of Delhi (MCDs)
  • Delhi Development Authority (DDA)
  • Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of the Delhi Government
  • Delhi Fire Service (DFS)
  • Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC)
  • Delhi Police

These corrupt departments of Delhi enjoy full support from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, which are equally responsible for corruption, pollution, and destruction in Delhi.

Donate: You can click here to donate to RMN News Service / RMN Foundation.


In order to thwart my anti-corruption efforts, the corrupt people are sending multiple threats to me. These include false police complaints against me, threats of physical harm to me, expulsion notices, legal notices, and slanderous attacks on my social as well as professional status. But I am not deterred and I will keep fighting truthfully against their crimes and corruption to get the culprits arrested and imprisoned.

Some of the active cases that I am currently pursuing are given below. You can click the case weblink to read the full report.

Case Department Report Date Status
Most Corrupt MC CGHS July 26, 2024 Editorial Title
Resident Complaint RCS / CGHS July 25, 2024 Video
IAS Corruption Case DoPT  July 23, 2024 Complaint
Entry Fee Crime CGHS Cases July 11, 2024 Crime Report
Complaint Process CGHS Complaints June 21, 2024 Video Report
Embezzlement CGHS Court Case June 2, 2024 Court Hearing
Extortion and Threats CGHS Case May 25, 2024 Notice Issued
LG Negligence LG Office May 23, 2024 Reported
Election Fraud and FAR RCS / CGHS May 12, 2024 Complaint Filed
Society Court Case Delhi High Court April 21, 2024 Summons to MC
E-Filing Option RCS April 19, 2024 Appeal Filed
Complaint Filing CGHS April 17, 2024 Process Video
FAR Construction DDA / RCS / DFS April 4, 2024 RTI Applications
Society Corruption CGHS Case March 22, 2024 Notice Issued
एफएआर निर्माण और प्रदूषण हाउसिंग सोसाइटी  March 10, 2024 लेख और वीडियो
RAFAR Group CGHS / DDA March 8, 2024 Activity
Society Website CGHS / RCS February 24, 2024 Letter Format
Fraudulent PGMS LG Office / CM January 30, 2024 Complaint Filed
DCS Act on Website LG Office / RCS January 10, 2024 Complaint Filed
Case Department Report Date Status
IAS Corruption LG Office December 18, 2023 Case Update
Judicial Corruption Delhi High Court December 9, 2023 Court Reply
Criminal Threats Delhi Police November 13, 2023 Complaint Filed
Judicial Corruption Delhi High Court October 27, 2023 RTI Application
Gang Activity RCS / DDA / Police October 7, 2023 Editorial Report
Defiance of Law CGHS Case September 24, 2023 Report Submitted
Widehouse Scandal RCS / DDA / Police Latest 2022 Report Research Report
IAS Case Cabinet Secretariat September 21, 2023 RTI Application
Judicial Corruption Delhi High Court September 19, 2023 Flawed Decision
MC Fraud CGHS Case September 16, 2023 Response from RCS
Govt Complaint Delhi Govt August 26, 2023 Procedure
Lethal Construction RCS / DDA / Police July 30, 2023 Video Report
Forgery and Fraud RCS July 12, 2023 Govt Complaint
Multiple Crimes RCS / DDA / Police July 6, 2023 Underway
Illegal Activity CGHS Case June 21, 2023 Notice Sent
IAS Corruption Cabinet Secretariat June 17, 2023 Reminder
Society Website Rule RCS June 9, 2023 Editorial Report
Electricity Subsidy Fraud CGHS Case / RCS May 18, 2023 Notice Sent
Illegal Construction CGHS Case May 9, 2023 Case Update
CGHS Corruption RCS / DDA / Police May 6, 2023 Case Update
Environmental Crime DDA February 13, 2023 Video Report
IAS Corruption Cabinet Secretariat January 28, 2023 Reminder
FAR Construction Crime  RCS / DDA / Police January 15, 2023 Update Video
Case Department Report Date Status
Crime and Corruption RCS / DDA / Police December 23, 2022 Hindi / Video Report
Construction CGHS Case November 24, 2022 Case Update
Submit Complaint Societies November 13, 2022 Procedure
Construction Crime DDA November 7, 2022 Video Report
Lawlessness RCS October 22, 2022 Complaint Filed
RTI Act Violation RCS / Delhi Govt October 14, 2022 Report
Administrator Complaint CGHS Case October 2, 2022 Notice Issued
Society Website Rule RCS September 21, 2022 Notification
Bureaucratic Corruption DDA / RCS / Police September 8, 2022 Letter to PM
PGMS Flaws Delhi Govt August 18, 2022 Report
Corruption Record RCS July 24, 2022 Representation
IAS Group Corruption DDA / RCS / Others July 8, 2022 DoPT Inquiry
MC Complaint CGHS Case June 18, 2022 Case Update
Corruption in Society CGHS Case June 12, 2022 Case in Progress
MC Crimes Delhi Police / RCS June 9, 2022 Proposal Submitted
FAR Construction Crime CPCB / DPCC June 5, 2022 IAS Inquiry
Widehouse Scandal DDA / RCS / Police June 2, 2022 Report Filed
Lokpal Complicity Lokpal May 27, 2022 Complaint Filed
Official Corruption DDA / RCS / Police May 21, 2022 UNCAC Complaint
Extortion by MC CGHS Case May 14, 2022 Notice Issued
Govt Corruption AAP Govt May 10, 2022 Lokayukta Case
Online Meetings Delhi Govt May 2, 2022 Awareness
Environmental Crime CPCB / DPCC April 18, 2022 Complaint Filed
Suspension Appeal DDA / RCS / Police April 11, 2022 Lokayukta Case
Citywide Corruption DDA / RCS / Police March 26, 2022 Cabinet Secretariat
PGMS Fraud CM / LG March 11, 2022 Weak Response
IAS Corruption DDA / RCS / Police February 23, 2022 MHA Inquiry
Corruption Racket DDA January 9, 2022 Complaint Filed
Case Department Report Date Status
Corruption Case DDA December 8, 2021 Letter to Minister
Human Rights President of India November 23, 2021 Representation
Criminal Conspiracy DDA / Court November 14, 2021 DDA Response
Environmental Rights Delhi Govt November 6, 2021 UN HRC Petition
Lokayukta Appointment Delhi Govt October 30, 2021 Petition to LG
Residents’ Group Housing Societies October 27, 2021 Join Group
Environmental Crime DDA / RCS / Police October 14, 2021 SC Petition
MC Supersession Case RCS October 13, 2021 Notice Sent
Letters to MC Housing Societies September 26, 2021 Guidelines
Illegal FAR Construction DDA September 19, 2021 DDA Prohibition Order
FAR Crime DDA / RCS August 14, 2021 Update
Investigation DDA / RCS July 13, 2021 Petition to Govt
IAS Corruption Case DDA / RCS June 23, 2021 DoPT Inquiry
Catch Your MLA Delhi Govt March 24, 2021 Citizen Service
Society Complaint  RCS / DDA February 23, 2021 Procedure
Illegal Construction DDA February 2, 2021 Court Order
Transparency Housing Societies January 23, 2021 Letter to CM
Complaint Procedure Housing Societies January 6, 2021 Online Form
Case Department Report Date Status
FAR Construction Crime DDA / Society December 25, 2020 Inquiry
Housing Society Scam RCS December 6, 2020 Conviction
Covid Risk Delhi Govt November 24, 2020 Letter to CM
Gang Crimes RCS November 11, 2020 Court Order
Illegal Construction DDA October 4, 2020 NHRC Notice 
Crime and Corruption RCS September 17, 2020 Inspection Order
Covid Corruption Delhi Govt September 10, 2020 Reported
Human Rights DDA / NHRC September 8, 2020 Notice Issued
Criminal Acts RCS August 28, 2020 Notice Issued
Construction Accidents Delhi Police August 17, 2020 Report Filed
Corruption Scandal RCS August 3, 2020 Notice Issued
FAR Construction DDA / Delhi Police June 18, 2020 Court Case
Covid Connect Delhi Govt June 10, 2020 Free Service
Covid Crime Home Secretary May 25, 2020 Report Submitted
Dereliction of Duty Chief Secretary April 5, 2020 Report Submitted
Gang Crimes Air India March 18, 2020 Inquiry
Coronavirus Delhi Govt March 13, 2020 Report Ignored
Complicity in Crime Delhi Govt March 6, 2020 Reported
Legal Deception Delhi Courts February 16, 2020 Court Orders
Construction Crime DDA January 29, 2020 Notice Issued
New Law Delhi Assembly January 18, 2020 Draft Bill



Case Department Report Date Status
Corruption RCS / Air India  December 13, 2019 Inquiry
Unauthorized Construction DDA November 17, 2019 Court Order
Violent Vandalism Delhi Police October 30, 2019 No Action
Criminal Threats Delhi Police October 21, 2019 Reported
Corruption RCS October 10, 2019 Vigilance Inquiry
FAR Crime RCS / DDA / DFS September 17, 2019 Complaint Filed
Rampage by Goons RCS September 8, 2019 Notice Issued
Property Grabbing Local Gang September 1, 2019 Reported
Criminal Gang Air India August 26, 2019 Complaint to Minister
Illegal Construction Housing Society August 19, 2019 Reported
Corruption and Pollution DDA July 14, 2019 Protest by People
Construction Crime Housing Society July 8, 2019 Advisory
Fraud and Extortion Housing Society June 29, 2019 Investigation
FAR Crime DDA, RCS, DFS, DUAC June 12, 2019 Research Report
Contempt of Court Housing Society May 7, 2019 Legal Notice



Case Department Report Date Status
Illegal Construction DDA / RCS April 24, 2019 Petition
Lawlessness DDA / RCS April 10, 2019 Court Order
Illegal FAR Project Housing Society March 31, 2019 Show Cause Notice
Bureaucratic Corruption DDA / RCS March 15, 2019 Vigilance Inquiry
Organized Crime DDA, RCS, DFS, DUAC February 11, 2019 Vigilance Inquiry
Corruption Inquiry RCS January 11, 2019 Inquiry Reopened
Construction Crime Delhi Govt December 14, 2018 No Action
Violation of RTI Act Society MC / RCS November 24, 2018 Pending
Defamation Case Delhi Police October 22, 2018 Show Cause Notice
Housing Fraud RCS / Delhi Govt October 4, 2018 Pending
Corruption Scandal Delhi Assembly September 15, 2018 Pending
Illegal Construction DDA September 11, 2018 Approval Review
Corruption Inquiry DDA / RCS September 1, 2018 Inquiry Blocked
Corruption and Fraud Delhi Govt August 19, 2018 Complicity in Crime
Illegal FAR Construction DDA / RCS August 3, 2018 Vigilance Inquiry
IAS Corruption DDA / RCS July 24, 2018 Delay in Action
Inquiry of IAS Officer RCS July 9, 2018 Inquiry Initiated
Illegal Surveillance Delhi Police July 2, 2018 Complaint Filed
Bureaucratic Corruption RCS June 11, 2018 Inquiry Expected
Complicity in Corruption RCS May 29, 2018 Case in Progress
Corruption in FAR DDA May 21, 2018 CVC Inquiry
Corruption and Fraud RCS May 19, 2018 Inquiry Delayed
Illegal Construction Court Case May 14, 2018 Construction Stopped
Corruption Inquiry RCS / CVC May 1, 2018 Pending
Risk of Fire Fire Service / RCS April 14, 2018 No Action
Labour Rights Abuse Labour Court March 13, 2018 Summons Issued
Obstruction of Justice RCS February 26, 2018 Illegal Obstruction
Financial Fraud RCS / DDA January 29, 2018 Inquiry Planned
Criminal Intimidation Labour / Delhi Police January 21, 2018 Notice Ignored
Corruption Inquiry RCS January 3, 2018 Notice Issued
Tree Offence RCS / DDA December 26, 2017 Notice Issued
Slavery Case RCS / Labour December 20, 2017 Inquiry
Blackmailing and Extortion RCS December 17, 2017 No Action
Corruption Notice Society MC December 10, 2017 Response Demanded
Human Rights RCS / Delhi Police May 15, 2017 Suppressed
UBBL Violation DDA / RCS August 30, 2017 No Action
Labour Exploitation RCS / Labour Dept. October 3, 2017 Notice Issued
Fraudulent Contract RCS / DDA October 16, 2017 Response from DDA
Illegal Construction DDA / RCS October 24, 2017 No Action
Illegal Car Parking RCS / DFS October 30, 2017 No Action
Corruption and Conspiracy RCS November 20, 2017 Reported

Corruption Case Study

If you want to know how corrupt MC members of a housing society commit various crimes and circumvent the law because of Delhi government’s weakness in stopping crime and corruption, you can study the case of DPS Housing Society (DPS CGHS) in Dwarka.

Click here to visit DPS Housing Society webpage.

As I am working alone for this entire project without any support, please bear with me if my response is delayed. You are requested to help me in this selfless endeavor.

Report Your Case

If you want me to report about your housing society, you may please click the following link to fill in an online form and to know the procedure.

[ Online Form to Submit Complaint of Your Housing Society Case ]

Depending on this initial information, I will ask you to give me related documents. Then if you want, you can hold virtual meeting with me.

By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.

About Rakesh Raman

Rakesh Raman
Rakesh Raman

Rakesh Raman is a national award-winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation, which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. Nowadays, for the past 12 years, he has been running his own global news services on multiple news sites. 

He runs various environment protection, education awareness, and anti-corruption campaigns, and publishes digital magazines and research reports on different subjects. Earlier, he had been associated with the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development. 

Recently, he has launched a comprehensive research project to compile an exclusive research report on corruption in India. Its working title is “India Corruption Research Report 2022 (ICRR 2022)”. He has also launched a nationwide campaign to introduce social democracy in India in order to build an egalitarian society in which all citizens could enjoy equal rights, opportunities, freedoms, and access to justice. 

Rakesh has launched a public campaign which aims to get the directionless school education system in India revamped so that students could acquire contemporary skills that can help them progress in the modern information-driven world. He has launched a new editorial section / microsite “Power Play: Lok Sabha Election 2024 in India” to cover the election news, events, and campaigns.

In his anti-corruption activities, he participated in a global petition led by Germany-based international organization Transparency International to call for the UN General Assembly Special Session against Corruption, UNGASS 2021, to direct all countries to set up central, public registers of beneficial ownership. 

Rakesh has also participated in the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project for 2022 as a Country Expert for India to provide expert research inputs on multiple topics pertaining to democracy and governance. The V-Dem Project is managed by V-Dem Institute under the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

He runs a community-driven anti-corruption social service “Clean House” to help the residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in housing societies where millions of people suffer because of rampant corruption and lawlessness. He has also formed an environment protection group called Green Group in New Delhi, which is the most polluted national capital in the world. 

As Rakesh has been facing constant threats including death threats for his editorial and anti-corruption work, the Paris-based international organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) that defends freedom of journalists has urged the Indian government to save him from threats and persecution.


Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi 110 078, India
Mobile: 9810319059 | Contact by Email

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Rakesh Raman