Nominations Open for Global Anti-Corruption Award

The Anti-Corruption Award Committee, the body responsible for evaluating nominations and choosing winners, may choose up to two award recipients.
The Anti-Corruption Award honors individuals and organizations worldwide, including journalists, public prosecutors, government officials, and civil society leaders. According to Transparency International, winners are a source of inspiration to the anti-corruption movement because their actions echo a common message: that corruption can be challenged.
The Anti-Corruption Award may be conferred to a person (or an organization) discharging official or professional duties as well as to an activist(s) from all walks of life. The Anti-Corruption Award Committee, the body responsible for evaluating nominations and choosing winners, may choose up to two award recipients.
In making these awards, the Committee will take into consideration the need to recognize efforts in diverse fields of civil society, the private sector, and government, and to acknowledge anti-corruption initiatives throughout the world.
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The Award consists of a trophy and participation in a public award ceremony during the 19th edition of the International Anti-Corruption Conference which will take place from the 2nd – 5th June 2020 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
The Anti-Corruption Award may, in some cases, have a profound impact, as the recognition may contribute to social, political, and economic developments in the countries to which they relate.
Therefore, according to Transparency, in selecting Anti-Corruption Award recipients, the Anti-Corruption Award Committee follows a clear evaluation process honoring the right of participation and equal opportunity while ensuring diversity.
In considering nominations, the Anti-Corruption Award Committee also looks for geographical and occupational balance. The call for nominations closes on March 16.