UK Praises Pakistan for War Against Terrorism

Pakistan has launched “Operation Zarb-i-Azb, deploying 200,000 of Pakistani security forces to eliminate terrorism from the country.
By Rakesh Raman
Sir Mark Lyall Grant, National Security Adviser (United Kingdom) called on Pakistan Prime Minister (PM) Muhammad Nawaz Sharif at PM House on Monday.
Paying rich tributes to the sacrifices made in the war against terrorism, Sir Grant commended the Sharif’s government for achieving substantial successes in this war.
The admiration from the UK for Pakistan has come close on the heels of NATO’s satisfaction with the Pakistan government’s resolve to fight against terrorism.
General Peter Pavel, Chairman Military Committee NATO, said recently that the scale of counter terrorism campaign by Pakistan is quite large with impressive results in this regard.
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Of late, Pakistan has launched “Operation Zarb-i-Azb, deploying 200,000 of Pakistani security forces to eliminate terrorism from the country.
It is a joint military offensive conducted by the Pakistan Armed Forces against various militant groups, including the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, al-Qaeda, Jundallah and the Haqqani network.
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According to Pakistan government, the National Security Advisor (NSA) of the UK acknowledged the huge sacrifices made by the armed forces, police and other law enforcing agencies in the war against terrorists.
He said that the commitment of political government and armed forces, supported by the people of Pakistan, have resulted into phenomenal victory against terrorism.
With reference to India, the UK NSA appreciated Sharif’s policy of reaching out to the neighbouring countries for establishing cordial relationships with them. “We encourage and support your efforts for peaceful cooperation with your neighbouring countries,” said the NSA.
[ Also Visit: Global Terrorism Information Center ]
Nawaz Sharif stated that Pakistan is a peace-loving country and pursues the policy of maintaining friendly relationships with all its neighbours.
He added that the issue of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) is the core issue between India and Pakistan and its resolution would ensure durable peace in the region.
He suggested that Kashmir issue must be resolved according to the UN resolutions as per the commitments made by the Indian Government. “The world community must take a note of the grave human rights violations and atrocities committed by Indian forces in the Indian Occupied Kashmir,” Nawaz Sharif reiterated.
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Kashmir has been facing a series of violent incidents since the killing of a 22-year-old rebel leader Burhan Wani by the Indian security forces on July 8 in an encounter which many believe was avoidable.
India maintained that Burhan Wani was a militant leader, but Pakistan honors him as a freedom fighter who was fighting for the people of Kashmir.
Nearly 100 people have died and thousands injured in the conflicts between the supporters of Burhan Wani and the Indian security forces in Kashmir.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a government award-winning journalist and social scientist. You also can visit the REAL VOTER – Politics in India Information Center that he manages.
Photo courtesy: Pakistan PM Office