Why Trump Must be Hauled Up for Contempt of Court

– Trump is once again trying to hoodwink the gullible Americans who are being tricked to believe that he is trying to save them from monstrous terrorists who are waiting to pounce on them in order to kill them.
– While America does not face any terrorist threat, Trump is making fear-mongering statements in order to win public sympathy.
– If today he is banning Muslims’ entry into the U.S. under the pretext of national security, tomorrow he can say that Muslims who are living in the U.S. must be thrown into poisonous gas chambers because they also pose a threat to Americans.
– Trump also has handpicked a slew of incapable Republicans and a few outsiders who are working as Trump toadies – or perhaps slaves. They cannot dare to challenge Trump’s mischiefs and idiosyncrasies.
– He is using Twitter in an irresponsible manner to spread falsehood and hide his failures as the President.
– Trump’s aim is to become an ultimate dictator and turn American democracy into a dictatorship. You can easily see the initial signs of dictatorship under his rule.
– Trump likes only those journalists who work as his spokespersons. For example, the Fox News TV hosts are Trump’s favorite media persons because they have sold their souls to Trump and are blot on the profession of journalism.
By Rakesh Raman

The presidency has gone to Donald Trump’s head. While he had started his election campaign by abusing his Republican rivals, journalists, and other opponents, now he is issuing vulgar statements against the judges and the judiciary.
Trump’s new target is U.S. District Judge James Robart who had issued a nationwide temporary restraining order Friday blocking Trump’s Muslim ban order.
Trump had signed an executive order a week ago to suspend resettlement of Syrian refugees indefinitely and all other refugee resettlement for 120 days.
The Trump order also banned the entry of nationals from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen for 90 days. All seven countries are predominately Muslim countries.
Judge James Robart who blocked Trump’s immigration order earlier represented the disadvantaged and refugees before he was nominated by former President George W. Bush of the Republican Party to which Trump belongs.
As usual, Trump wasted no time to hit back at Judge Robart with a slew of angry tweets. “The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!” Trump wrote.
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
Instead of arguing about the merits of the case pertaining to his executive order, Trump used contemptuous language against the judge and his judgment. As this is a clear attack on the judicial system, Trump – who is behaving like a dictator – must be taken to task.
Intimidation Attempt
Meanwhile, the U.S. Justice Department reportedly filed an appeal Saturday to keep the Muslim ban order intact. Clearly, in this case, Trump’s attacking tweets against Judge James Robart should be construed as intimidation to the other judges who are going to decide the case.
The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2017
Trump also said, “The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy!”
This is a mischievous statement made by Trump who is in the habit of making such baseless sweeping remarks. Trump must be asked who those “potential terrorists” are and who those “bad people” are that he has mentioned.
As a pied piper, Trump is once again trying to hoodwink the gullible Americans who are being tricked to believe that Trump is trying to save them from monstrous terrorists who are waiting to pounce on them in order to kill them.
This is all humbug that Trump is using to cheat people. While America does not face any terrorist threat, Trump is making fear-mongering statements in order to win public sympathy.
If Trump is really concerned about national security, he should make prudent policies instead of harassing innocent Muslims by signing abrupt orders that even a jungle ass can sign. But as Trump is a clueless man, he cannot think prudently and cannot behave properly.
If today he is banning Muslims’ entry into the U.S. under the pretext of national security, tomorrow he can say that Muslims who are living in the U.S. must be thrown into poisonous gas chambers because they also pose a threat to Americans.
It must not be allowed to happen under the garb of national security and “President’s prerogative,” as it is being argued to support Trump’s Muslim ban order. The American political system and courts must divest Trump of all his executive powers instead of allowing him to take arbitrary inhuman decisions.
Trainee President
In fact, Trump is working as a trainee President who is learning governance at the expense of poor Americans who have lost their ability to think after years of exploitation by corrupt politicians.
Trump also has handpicked a slew of incapable Republicans and a few outsiders who are working as Trump toadies – or perhaps slaves. They cannot dare to challenge Trump’s mischiefs and idiosyncrasies. Rather, they stand behind him and you can watch them clapping like soulless sycophants when Trump signs meaningless documents.
Although Trump has promised to make America great again, the truth is that today America is in such a bad shape that no ordinary politician like Trump can save it from the impending crises.
Picture this:
– Today, one in three Americans has absolutely nothing saved for retirement.
– One in five Americans expects to die in debt.
– 45 million people – or one in seven Americans – are living in poverty.
– One in six Americans is struggling with hunger.
– With nearly 50 million poor and swelling debt that has crossed $19 trillion, America is being counted as another poor country of the world.
– Plus, America is facing extreme racism, street fights, gun violence, joblessness, and whatnot.
All these people, who are struggling to survive, voted Trump with the belief that he will save them from the extreme misery by using some magic wand. They did not know that Trump was exploiting their sentiment by making false promises and attacking the political class baselessly.
Business Secrets
As Trump is an incapable President, he cannot solve the problems that ordinary Americans are facing. Although he often brags about his business successes, independent reports suggest that his businesses are under heavy debt.
According to a new report mentioned by The Independent, Trump’s companies are under a debt of nearly $1.8 billion to more than 150 institutions – raising questions about potential conflicts of interests.
That’s why Trump has refused to release his tax returns and is reluctant to reveal his tax information.
As people want to know the truth behind his business deals and his capacity to handle presidency, Trump is trying to divert people’s attention by releasing abusive tweets. His idea is that instead of talking about his failures as the President, people should talk only about his controversial tweets.
So, Trump is wasting his time on Twitter to attack popular people such as Congressman John Lewis, Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and actress Meryl Streep, among others.
He is using Twitter in an irresponsible manner to spread falsehood and hide his failures as the President. In the present case of Muslim ban order, for example, he will falsely blame the judiciary for any future untoward incident in America.
He will use Twitter to say that judges are not allowing him to work independently, although courts are trying to stop him from misusing his powers. Ordinary Americans are not able to understand Trump’s tricks.
Dictatorship in America
Trump’s aim is to become an ultimate dictator and turn American democracy into a dictatorship. You can easily see the initial signs of dictatorship under his rule.
Today, Trump is hell-bent to demolish at least two pillars – press and judiciary – of a democratic system. Trump and his cronies are openly criticizing judges and dictating what press should (or should not) cover. They also have labeled press as an “opposition party.”
Trump likes only those journalists who work as his spokespersons. For example, the Fox News TV hosts are Trump’s favorite media persons because they have sold their souls to Trump and are blot on the profession of journalism.
Similarly, he wants judges to blindly follow his diktats. As Trump is working in an authoritarian style, recently he fired a top federal government lawyer Sally Yates when she opposed Trump’s Muslim ban order.
That’s not all. During the past two weeks of his presidency, Trump has antagonized different sections of people including the Mexican government. Besides banning Muslims, he has also threatened to make a wall to block the entry of Mexicans in the U.S.
While Trump has no knowledge of international trade, he has threatened to withdraw from NAFTA (a trilateral trade bloc in North America covering Canada, Mexico, and the United States) without giving any logical reason for his authoritarian decision.
The global community is so disturbed with Trump’s actions that a number of United Nations (UN) human rights and refugee welfare agencies have expressed their anguish over his arbitrary decision to ban the entry of people from certain Muslim countries.
Similarly, the UK Parliament has discussed whether or not the country should allow Trump to make a state visit to UK.
Meanwhile, the “Impeach Donald Trump Now” campaign believes that the nation is now witnessing a massive corruption of the presidency, far worse than Watergate.
All this opposition from diverse groups of people shows that Trump is not fit to be the President. If Americans want to save the democratic as well as socio-economic fabric of the country, they must unite in order to tame Trump immediately. Delay can be disastrous.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a government award-winning journalist and runs free school for deserving children under his NGO – RMN Foundation.