How the U.S. Ignores Religious Freedom Violations in India

How the U.S. Ignores Religious Freedom Violations in India
I had emailed the following letter on November 18, 2021 addressed to Mr. Antony J. Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State. [ Click here to download the email document. ]
Mr. Antony J. Blinken November 18, 2021
U.S. Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Blinken,
I am a journalist from India. This has reference to your statement “Religious Freedom Designations” dated November 17, 2021. As I am planning to write an article for my RMN news service as well as The Unrest news magazine that I produce, I need your response on the following queries – by November 20, 2021.
1. In its latest report, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) had specifically recommended to designate India as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC). But in your said statement of November 17, India is not designated as CPC. What is the reason for this decision that overruled USCIRF’s recommendation?
2. What process did you follow to include some countries as CPC and exclude India from the same list while there are rampant violations of religious freedom happening in India, as described in the USCIRF report?
3. Are there commercial reasons that the U.S. has been repeatedly ignoring the human rights violations, attacks on press freedom, and corruption in India, although various U.S. and international reports regularly highlight such glaring state crimes in India?
4. Since the judicial systems in India have totally crumbled, do you realize that your arbitrary exoneration of accused Indian leaders will have a devastating impact on millions of aggrieved Indians who cannot expect justice in India?
5. Will it be right to believe that the U.S. which ostensibly advocates for freedom of religion and human rights in all the countries is – in fact – complicit in the violations being committed by the Indian rulers because of your greed and commercial interests in India?
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi 110 078, India
Mobile: 9810319059 | Contact by Email
Although I had requested Mr. Blinken to respond by November 20, 2021, he or his office did not respond. But why did they choose to stay silent? Check out the explanation in the following box.
Human Rights and Dishonest U.S. Leaders The U.S. leaders are dishonest. While they criticize corruption and human rights violations in some small countries, they ignore the same or worse crimes in India. The U.S. – which is the self-styled promoter of democracy in the world – has been downplaying the demise of democracy in India. The U.S. leaders frequently hobnob with India’s prime minister Narendra Modi and his colleagues despite their regular criticism of Modi’s autocratic idiosyncrasies. The U.S., in fact, exploits human rights abuses in India for its commercial interests, as the U.S. believes that India is a big market for its products and services. The modus operandi of the U.S. leaders is to subtly intimidate Modi with the accusations of corruption and human rights violations, and then force him to buy American products or services worth billions of dollars. Read More |