New Ad Accuses Trump of 100,000 Deaths. ‘Wrong President’

Screengrab from video ad
Screengrab from video ad

Instead of making a national plan to deal with coronavirus, Trump spends most of his time on spewing vulgarity on Twitter.

By Rakesh Raman

A new video ad depicts President Donald Trump’s failure to handle the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis. Launched on Wednesday by The Lincoln Project, the ad shows the corpses of people who lost their lives due to Covid infection.

Although Trump kept saying during the past couple of months that the virus will disappear and the Covid cases will soon be close to zero, more than 100,000 Americans have died while Trump is still not serious to contain the virus.

Instead of making a national plan to deal with coronavirus, Trump spends most of his time on spewing vulgarity on Twitter. As the infection is spreading rapidly across the U.S., the number of deaths can soon cross even the 200,000 mark.

The governments in some states are claiming that they have contained the spread of virus and the case curve is flattening. But this is a blatant lie. In fact, they have stopped testing and stopped counting the number of infections and deaths.

If the number of Covid cases keep increasing, these governments will lose the right to rule because they have failed to protect their citizens. That’s why they have to tell lies. You must not trust such governments that say they have controlled the virus.

Meanwhile, The Lincoln Project also has launched Trump Misery Index, which illustrates the economic and human cost of the Trump administration’s haphazard response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Clearly, Trump has ruined America in 4 years of his rule. But will he lose the November presidential election? Most polls are predicting Trump’s defeat. However, such polls do not take into account the election deceit with which Trump wins.

There is a strong possibility that Trump will again take Russia’s help to win the election deceptively. So, the Americans should get ready to live in hell for the next 4 years.

By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. He also creates and publishes a number of digital publications and research reports on different subjects. These publications include the “Covid Health Bulletin” that covers global coronavirus news and views.

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Rakesh Raman