Applications Invited for the Junior Crystal Scales of Justice Prize

Junior Crystal Scales of Justice Prize. Photo: CEPEJ
Junior Crystal Scales of Justice Prize. Photo: CEPEJ

The award ceremony of the Junior Crystal Scales of Justice Prize will take place during the CEPEJ plenary meeting in June 2022. 

This Prize, organised jointly by the Council of Europe European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) and the Faculty of Law of Strasbourg, complements the existing Crystal Scales of Justice Prize. 

It is open to Master’s students from law schools in one of the Member States of the Council of Europe or an observer country to the CEPEJ and is organised every two years, alternating with the existing Crystal Scales of Justice Prize. 

For this 2022 edition, the student teams will have to defend one of the winning projects of the Crystal Scales of Justice Prize 2021. They are required to highlight the innovative aspects of the project through a legal analysis and research work and study its possible transposition to another context or another country.

The deadline for the submission of applications for the Junior Crystal Scales of Justice Prize is 20 November 2021. The deadline for the submission of the complete files containing a legal analysis of a winning project of the 2021 Crystal Scales of Justice Prize, a research paper on the possible implementation of the winning project in other contexts or countries, and a summary of the file submitted is 1st April 2022. 

The award ceremony of the Junior Crystal Scales of Justice Prize will take place during the CEPEJ plenary meeting in June 2022. The winning team will be invited to attend and present their project in front of the CEPEJ Member States and numerous observers.

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Rakesh Raman