Communist Party Opposes Beef Ban in India

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) protests against the Maharashtra law, which, apart from the ban on the slaughter of cows, prohibits the slaughter of bulls as well as bullocks. This law has now come into force after Presidential approval.
In a statement issued Saturday CPI(M) said the BJP government in the Maharashtra state of India is now armed with draconian powers under the law by which any one selling beef or in possession of it can be jailed for five years and fined Rs. 10,000.
Cow slaughter in India is considered a sacrilege because cow is worshiped as a sacred animal in Hinduism, which is the largest religion in India. Over 80% of the country’s 1.25 billion people are Hindus. And the current ruling party BJP in India is also a Hindu party.
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Now 24 out of 29 states in India have different regulations prohibiting either the slaughter or sale of cows.
CPI(M) argues that “the beef ban will also affect the livelihood of people who are involved in the beef trade. The affected people are also farmers who dispose old and sick cattle by selling them to meat traders.”
Even any individual who procures beef in any form from outside the state will also be liable for punishment. This draconian law violates the right of people who have the food habit of consuming beef, said CPI(M).
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