Criminal Activities of DPS Housing Society MC Members

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Managing Committee (MC) Members:
- Neeraj Vaish
- R. Bala Subramanian
- M.N. Sampathkumar
- Ms. Leela Swami
- Sandeep Taneja
- Manguram Tyagi
- Ms. Naseem Afshaque
Delhi Public School (DPS) Cooperative Group Housing Society
DPS Apartments, Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, New Delhi 110 078
Rakesh Raman
DPS Housing Society Resident
June 2, 2017
Subject: Criminal Activities of DPS Housing Society MC Members
To MC Members,
This has reference to your letters Ref: DPSCGHS:2017:15 dated May 29, 2017 and Ref: DPSCGHS:2017:15:64 dated May 28, 2017 that I received on June 1, 2017. I have to state the following in response to the said letters:
1. That I stand by my articles / media stories and reiterate that the past and the present MC members of DPS Housing Society are responsible for corruption in the Society. All the MC members / office bearers mentioned in my stories are responsible for corruption – either directly or by complicity and connivance.
2. That the corruption by the DPS Housing Society MC members is evident from the fact that the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office has ordered an inquiry in this case under the directions from India’s top anti-corruption organization Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) and Directorate of Vigilance of Delhi Government. [ Inquiry letter enclosed. ]
3. That you should publicly provide details to the queries mentioned in the said inquiry letter if you think there has never been any corruption in DPS Housing Society. I will respond after reading your details.
4. That I had approached the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) with details of corruption by the DPS Housing Society MC members and on the basis of these details, the inquiry has been initiated. Recently, I have collected more details of corruption with specific data that I am in the process of sharing again with CVC and other crime-prevention agencies.
5. That the Delhi Police through Police Commissioner formally informed me in March 2017 that the DPS Housing Society case will be handled by the Joint Commissioner of Police, Southern Western Range and the DCP Vigilance. I am collecting more data of corruption in the Society to present the case to these police officers and other anti-corruption organizations.
6. That you cannot force me to show you all the proofs of your corruption as the anti-corruption organizations are convinced with the proofs that I have supplied them to treat it as a corruption case at DPS Housing Society. I have already put some of the proofs on the Web for which the Weblinks were shared with you by residents. In general, proofs are given to the police and law-enforcement agencies and not to the culprits or accused persons. If you think those proofs are not enough, you must reply to the CVC-RCS inquiry letter. An example of the proof enclosed again here for your reference when the MC spent over Rs. 23 lakh (the cost finally went over Rs. 30 lakh) for a work that a vendor offered to do for just Rs. 4 lakh.
7. That you are trying to hoodwink the government departments and DPS Housing Society residents / members by quoting Delhi Cooperative Societies rules, etc. which are totally irrelevant. I am totally free and enjoy full rights to expose corruption in any outfit or entity anywhere in India and abroad.
8. That quotations of your rules, etc. are totally baseless because the inquiry against DPS Housing Society has been initiated by RCS office itself under directions from CVC and Directorate of Vigilance of Delhi Government. And the CVC office is supposed to order investigations exclusively in corruption cases – like in DPS Housing Society.
9. That you are aware of the massive corruption that has been happening in the DPS Housing Society and you have been trying to cover it up. That’s why instead of providing details of vendors, purchases, and expenses as asked in the government inquiry letter and the queries raised by other members, you have decided to target me with multiple threats, false police complaints, and even an intention to expel me from the Society’s membership. All your attempts are criminal in nature and intended to suppress my voice against your corruption and lawlessness.
10. That you and your supporters must not gang up to discuss anything to harass me including your felonious attempt to expel me from the Society’s membership. If all or any of you tried anything to harm me covertly or overtly, you should be prepared to face the consequences as I am ready to approach the top crime-prevention authorities in the country and abroad.
11. That all other members / residents who are supporting your illegal activities such as signing the false police complaint against me are also criminals who will soon be caught and punished by the long arm of the law.
12. That the DPS Housing Society MC members and other residents / members who are part of your gang are committing myriad illegal activities and even defying the court orders in cases such as illegal car parking, unauthorized building alterations in individual flats, and supporting your bogus General Body Meetings (GBMs).
13. That you and / or other residents of the Society must stop illegal car parking as it will obstruct the entry of firefighting vehicles in the event of fire in the building. As the resulting fire can cause major loss to the life and property of the people living in the building, it will clearly be a case of criminal negligence or causing death by negligence (Section 304A Indian Penal Code) for which the DPS Housing Society MC members and the additional car owners will be responsible.
14. That you must stop the misuse of CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) cameras installed in the Society building to harass those who raise their voice against your misdeeds. As you have admitted, you are violating the privacy laws as your actions amount to breach of privacy.
15. That the DPS Housing Society MC members and your accomplices are now planning another illegal / criminal activity in the form of repair / extended construction in the Society building. As your planned construction activity will be extremely harmful to men, women, and children living in the Society, you are strongly advised not to carry out such a lethal and criminal activity in the building.
16. That you can go to any government department or officials to get my complaints scuttled. But you will not succeed and I will keep raising my voice against corruption, lawlessness, and human rights violations including your illegal repair / extended construction project at DPS Housing Society.
17. That you should immediately stop pursuing your repair / extended construction project at DPS Housing Society because it will be extremely harmful to men, women, children, and even senior citizens living in the Society. I will intensify my campaign against your misdeeds if you did not stop extended construction project planning.
18. That your planned repair / extended construction project which will spread dust and noise pollution will deprive the residents of their right to live in a healthy, pollution-free environment, as assured by the Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.
19. That you should neither intimidate or harass me nor any other member of the Society who opposes your corrupt practices.
20. That I will not get deterred by your ongoing threats to me. Rather, your threats force me to intensify my campaign against your criminal activities. And I will soon approach other anti-corruption and law-enforcement agencies to get all the criminals (MC members and their supporters) caught and punished.
21. That I advise people and firms that support your illegal activities to stay away from you and they should not support your criminality in order to avoid any hassles from the law-enforcement agencies.
22. That all the past and present MC members of DPS Housing Society must declare their assets and sources of income publicly to avoid the possibility of any conflict of interest as they are spending public money without any accountability and without following transparent processes.
23. That I have started a signature campaign to take the signatures of the Society residents / members to get the present MC dissolved through the RCS office and get a government administrator appointed to streamline the working of the Society.
24. That the present and past MC members along with their supporters have been disturbing the peace in the Society with their criminal activities. They must be expelled from the Society because they are a threat to the development of a healthy living environment.
25. That you should not disturb me with your threats and frivolous letters, as they are adversely affecting my editorial / journalism work that I have to do around-the-clock. Your repeated letters to me will be construed as an attack on my fundamental right of freedom of expression and speech, as your letters are also obstructing my professional responsibilities of delivering global news on critical issues to the readers around the world.
26. That the past and present MC members and others who have been making obnoxious, slanderous remarks against me and / or damaging my reputation will be fully responsible to compensate me, as I am an internationally recognized professional and government’s National award-winning journalist.
27. That I will be left with no other option but to launch the next phase of my campaign against your criminal activities if you or any of your supporters (internal or external) tried again to harass or harm me.
The complete case is described at the following link:
[ Humanitarian Crisis Persists at DPS Housing Society in Delhi ]
Rakesh Raman
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16
Sector 4, Dwarka, Phase I
New Delhi 110 078, INDIA
Also find enclosed the following documents for your reference:
- RCS / CVC Inquiry Letter against DPS Housing Society
- Directorate of Vigilance Letter about Inquiry at DPS Housing Society
- Document related to Illegal Car Parking at DPS Housing Society
- An example of MC document showing the corruption at DPS Housing Society. The MC spent over Rs. 23 lakh (the cost finally went over Rs. 30 lakh) for a work that a vendor offered to do for just Rs. 4 lakh. There are many more revealing documents and details.
- Pamphlet that I have been circulating in Dwarka as part of my mass awareness campaign to stop dust and noise pollution.
Copy to:
- Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, 7 Race Course Road, New Delhi 110 003
- Mr. Anil Baijal, Lt. Governor of Delhi
- Mr. Amulya Patnaik, Commissioner of Police, Delhi
- Mr. Shurbir Singh, Registrar Cooperative Societies, Delhi Govt.
…and others through email and digital media channels