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The maker of Trojan brand condoms announced Thursday their partnership with nonprofit organization Advocates for Youth to extend the “Consent. Ask For It.” campaign.
Now in its second year, the campaign encourages students to help support a culture of consent on campuses nationwide through 100 student-led events during April’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Students will be invited to take the pledge to support a culture of consent and to make sure consent is always given and received before and during sexual activity.
The 100 student youth activists selected by Advocates for Youth and Trojan will receive “Consent. Ask For It.” toolkits. Toolkits will include customizable campaign materials to conduct events that build their fellow students’ awareness and support related to consent.
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Each student youth activist will utilize the materials to create a uniquely tailored event for the culture and environment on their campus.
Through interactive visuals with campaign taglines such as “It Takes Two to Say Yes” and “Is She Falling for You, or Just Falling Over?” and a variety of campaign giveaways, students will be reminded of the importance, educated, and encouraged to become advocates to support a culture of consent.
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“Trojan is fortunate to have the opportunity to support Advocates for Youth and student youth activists who are expanding the dialogue and advancing the cause to make consent a part of everyday campus life,” said Stephanie Berez, group brand manager for Trojan Condoms.
“Young people want to have open and honest conversations about sex and sexuality,” said Julia Reticker-Flynn, director of Youth Mobilization at Advocates for Youth. “And consent is an essential part of that conversation. Our actions and collective voices are changing the conversation around sexual assault.”
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Students attending the campus events will receive educational postcards, laptop stickers, and tattoos to encourage ongoing conversation and support for consent.
The “Consent. Ask For It.” campaign includes posters, a website and digital pledge, school newspaper ads, and college-targeted Facebook postings, all stressing the importance of consent by both parties.
The campaign kicked off at Brown University’s Ivy Film Festival to encourage students to take the pledge to ask for consent and distribute campaign giveaways.
Photo courtesy: Trojan