School Children Invited for National Water Quiz Competition

Central Water Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation will be organizing a National Level Water Quiz competition for school children in January next year at New Delhi.
Contest is restricted to teams consisting of two students studying in class VI, VII or VIII in any regular school of any recognized Board in India.
There is no participation fee. The preliminarily rounds of the quiz competition (either written, or quiz or both depending on the response received from the participating Schools / Team) will be held at the 14 Regional centers of the Central Water Commission.
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These are at Delhi, Bhopal, Lucknow, Patna, Bhubaneshwar, Shillong, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Nagpur, Gandhinagar, Bangalore, Siliguri, and Chandigarh and also at NWA, Pune. For the preliminary round, the participants have to make their own travel / boarding / lodging arrangements.
Winner and runner-up teams (comprising two participants from each of the Regional centers) will qualify to participate in Final round to be held in New Delhi. The cost of travel / boarding / lodging, including that for one adult per team, shall be borne by the organisers.
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The winners shall be given cash prizes. Interested schools can apply in the prescribed form online ( or through hard copy by mail to the organiser by December 04, 2017.
The applying schools can choose any of the 14 centres, as per their convenience, while the final round with two teams each from each region and NWA, Pune would be held at Delhi.
Only one team per school comprising of two individual students can take part. In case more than one entry is made by one school, then its first entry (in the order of time-stamping) shall only be accepted.
In case the registrations per regional centre is more than the acceptable limits, then the organisers reserve the right to scrutinize the entries based on the academic performance of the proposed teams during last three years.
Online registration forms are available at Central Water Commission website.