Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for Breakfast?

Starting a cereal company may seem like a strange way to teach a child about the presidential election.
But that’s exactly what one Miami couple did. Sandy and Giselle Cueto came up with a unique way to teach their daughter, Hannah, about the election process— by starting a cereal business.
Together they launched a company to manufacture two cereals, Clinton Crunch and Trumpies, based on the current presidential front runners, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
The cereals, sourced from brand name suppliers, can be purchased on the websites the Cueto family created.
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“We got the idea from her love of cereal. It’s something that she can relate to. We thought it would be a fun way for her to learn how U.S. presidents are elected and to teach her that it’s okay for people to have different views on things,” Mr. Cueto explained. “Along the way we realized that it became a great way to also teach her about entrepreneurship and how to start a small business,” Mr. Cueto continued.
The family focused on the current front runners and understand that it’s possible that things can change in the next few months. They have a contingency plan to shift production to whomever is the nominee.
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“That’s another thing we have been able to show our daughter about the election process and starting a business–that things can and often do change. You have to be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances,” said Mrs. Cueto.
According to Hannah’s parents, the only cereals that she’ll eat now is either Clinton Crunch or Trumpies for breakfast. Mr. Cueto shared that “sometimes she mixes the two cereals together. I had to explain to her that you can’t mix two presidents together in real life.”
This led Hannah to ponder “wouldn’t it be cool if we could have two U.S. presidents at the same time?”
“With the way this election is going, maybe she’s on to something,” laughed Mrs. Cueto.