Kejriwal Referendum: 79% Say CM Kejriwal Should Resign for Corruption

Kejriwal Referendum: 79% Say CM Kejriwal Should Resign for Corruption. RMN News Service
Kejriwal Referendum: 79% Say CM Kejriwal Should Resign for Corruption. RMN News Service

Kejriwal Referendum: 79% Say CM Kejriwal Should Resign for Corruption

Since almost all AAP leaders and workers behave as Kejriwal’s slaves, they do not say anything that may displease the AAP Supreme Leader Kejriwal. 

By Rakesh Raman

In an ongoing online referendum being run by RMN News Service, a whopping 79% respondents say that Delhi chief minister (CM) and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal should resign from his position.

While a number of AAP politicians are already in jail for their acts of corruption, on March 21, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested Kejriwal also for his alleged involvement in Delhi liquor scam and sent him to Tihar jail. After enjoying a 3 weeks of release on bail which was wrongly granted by the Supreme Court – Kejriwal went back to jail on June 2.

Since Kejriwal runs his party as a dictator, he presumably forced his other AAP colleagues to say that he should not resign even if he is jailed. With an evil objective to legitimize AAP leaders’ willingness to keep Kejriwal as Delhi CM, Kejriwal also planned to hold a superficial referendum that should allow him to retain the CM position even from jail.

Since almost all AAP leaders and workers behave as Kejriwal’s slaves, they do not say anything that may displease the AAP Supreme Leader Kejriwal. So, they have succumbed to Kejriwal’s diktat to accept him as CM even from Tihar jail where he is incarcerated. 

In all probability, AAP’s opaque referendum – if it is held – will ostensibly say that Kejriwal should not resign and run Delhi Government from jail. However, to expose Kejriwal’s dirty ploy, RMN News Service is running a parallel online referendum to take objective response from citizens.

In the RMN referendum, 79% respondents say that Kejriwal should resign as he is allegedly involved in a number of corruption cases. Only 16% say he should not resign and 5% have nothing to say. The referendum results are up to June 18, 2024.

You can click here to participate in the RMN referendum on Kejriwal and also view the latest results of the referendum.

By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.

He has also been publishing The Integrity Bulletin news magazine since 2018 to cover local and international corruption issues to engage with different stakeholders who are trying to combat corruption in the world.

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Rakesh Raman