Biden Terminates Trumptatorship. But Trump Clones Still Exist

Biden says that his first priority will be to contain coronavirus. But it will be equally important for him to kill the virus of hate and corruption that Trump has spread across the world.
By Rakesh Raman
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has ended the dark days of Trumptatorship (portmanteau for Trump and dictatorship) by defeating incumbent Donald Trump in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
Biden – who was declared President-elect on November 7 – will be inaugurated as the 46th U.S. president in January 2021.
It is not a normal victory because Biden has stopped Trump’s criminal strides as he was hell-bent to reduce the American democracy to a third-world autocratic state.
Inspired by his mentor Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump had demolished almost all democratic institutions in the country to act as an absolute dictator.
Putin had allegedly helped Trump win 2016 presidential election deceptively. But perhaps because of his reported sickness, the Russian autocrat could not help Trump in this election. Result: Trump lost the election.
During his 4-year tenure, Trump proved that he was above the law because all the American laws had succumbed to Trump’s blatant refusal to obey them.
First he refused to appear before the special counsel Robert Mueller who was investigating his ties with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. Instead of insisting on Trump’s appearance, Mueller ignored Trump’s refusal and submitted a sketchy report that was dumped without proper discussion.
Then Trump was caught red-handed when he was forcing Ukraine to implicate his Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden in a frivolous corruption case.
When the House of Representatives – the lower house of the United States Congress – started impeachment proceedings against Trump, he obstructed the impeachment inquiry by refusing to provide related documents and also stopped witnesses from participating in the impeachment hearings.
The House had passed 2 articles of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. But Trump has no respect for any law and he kept behaving as a dictator. While his trial was supposed to begin in the Senate, Trump had issued the diktat for the Republican Senators to end the trial without proper investigation.
Despite repeated attempts, the U.S. Congress as well as the courts failed to direct Trump to share his personal and business tax returns while it is largely believed that the wealth that Trump possesses is not clean.
Trump – whose identity appears in criminal investigation documents as “Individual 1” or the unindicted co-conspirator in cases of crime and corruption – kept cheating Americans with his constant lies and vulgarity.
In his friend-cum-lawyer Michael Cohen’s case, Trump is called “Individual 1” in the charges filed by special counsel Robert Mueller who was leading a judicial team to know the extent of Trump-Russia ties that allegedly helped Trump win the 2016 presidential race.
But the weak American justice system could not remove Trump from office with the argument that a President can’t be indicted. But now after losing the presidency, Trump can be indicted and imprisoned.
Biden says that his first priority as the President will be to contain coronavirus. But it will be equally important for him to kill the virus of hate and corruption that Trump has spread across the American administrative systems. It appeared during Trump’s rule that everybody around him in the Trump Administration was a crook like Trump.
The Trump virus has also spread in many parts of the world, as many elected leaders are behaving as cruel dictators who are committing crimes against their citizens under the garb of democratic systems. In order to protect democratic principles across the world, Biden must use the power of his office to tame the dictatorship states such as Belarus, Brazil, India, Russia, Turkey, and more.
These nations ruled by the autocratic rulers Aliaksandr Lukashenka, Jair Bolsonaro, Narendra Modi, Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan are using the Trump brand of politics based on falsehood and criminality. All of them are Trump clones who need to be terminated.
In order to save humanity everywhere from cruel rulers, Biden should discontinue all trade and travel ties with all these autocratic nations which operate under the false cover of democracy.
The Biden Administration must follow the path shown by Martin Luther King Jr., when he wrote in his letter from the Birmingham Jail, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
Kamala Harris is the U.S. vice president-elect who will be supporting the Biden presidency. “The crises facing the country are severe — from a pandemic to an economic recession, climate change to racial injustice — and the transition team is preparing at full speed so that the Biden-Harris Administration can hit the ground running on Day One,” says the Biden-Harris transition website – made under the banner ‘Build Back Better’ .
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.