Online Form to Submit Complaint of Your Housing Society Case

Delhi's cooperative group housing societies have become dens of crime and corruption. Click the photo to know about extreme corruption in Delhi housing societies. Photo: Rakesh Raman
Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies have become dens of crime and corruption. Click the photo to know about extreme corruption in Delhi housing societies. Photo: Rakesh Raman

Online Form to Submit Complaint of Your Housing Society Case

To: All Residents of Delhi

From: Rakesh Raman

As a journalist and social activist, I have been running the “Clean House” anti-corruption service for the past six years to report about crime and corruption happening in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS).

In response to this service, I receive dozens of cases from the residents of different housing societies in Delhi. People discuss the problems and issues that they face in their housing societies because of the crimes of their management committees (MCs).

The cases that I receive from the residents also pertain to the floor area ratio (FAR) construction crime in their housing societies or difficulties that they face in government departments such as Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS), and others.

I have created an online form that you can use to inform me about your case. 

Depending on your initial information provided through this online form, I will try to contact you to discuss the case details and seek more information. You can also watch a YouTube video in Hindi to understand the procedure to fill in the form and report your case to the “Clean House” service.

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[ UPDATED PROCESS: Process for Residents to File Complaints Against Housing Societies in Delhi ]

I will collect the initial information through the online form and then contact you to discuss the case. I will hold an online meeting with you and record this meeting which will be circulated among various authorities and people.

Depending on the case and with your authorization, I will issue a formal notice to the MC of the housing society against which you have filed the complaint. I will wait for the MC’s response and then – if required – I will approach the authorities such as the DDA, RCS, or others to get the matter resolved.

Similarly, I will approach different government departments to get relief for the complainants. However, I do not commit anything about the outcome of the case. Since I work alone to provide this free service along with my other editorial and social work, my response to your complaint can get delayed.

You will also send me at least 2 photographs of your housing society from the front side where the name of your society is written and where a particular incident such as construction, etc. has happened . I will also use all this information on my media properties to publicly inform others about the case. 

You may please fill in the form given below and submit it. Thank you.

By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.


Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi 110 078, INDIA
Mobile: 9810319059 | Contact over the email 

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Rakesh Raman